So it is close to the end of another year and the start of a new. For some of us it is a time to look to a brighter future, improving on previous efforts. I always thought business was like baking a cake with all those special ingredients to make it rise. I now believe a business is like having a relationship it always teeters on what you put in and sometimes you do not always get what you expect. Like love you do not give to receive and a business is really the same but somehow it works.
2012 has been a tremendous learning curving losing the second store, like losing a loved one it hurts. Questioning yourself on what you did wrong, how could you do it better. Always something better comes along and you realise it was all meant for a reason. So for me the second site is not lost just hidden at the moment ready to come shining through all the fog.
This year all of us have lost loved ones and dreams but it is no reason to give up. It is all about the little things that make business great. Appreciation for a job well done, a smiling customer saying your great, these little things pick you up and make the day and the years so much better. It makes you want to strive for more. The same as when the person you love declares their love and does all the little things to make you feel important. So for 2013, I am going to look at my working world as the biggest romance I have ever had.